Thursday 3 October 2013

Hair Implants vs. Hair Transplant

grafts Hair implants
Hair implants are biofibre hairs which are inserted under scalp through a minimally invasive surgery. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and considered a light dermatologic surgery. Usually, it aims to increase hair density on scalp and can also be used to treat mild severity baldness. It is a simple and quick procedure which is performed on outpatient basis which means you do not need to stay in clinic after surgery, just go home and resume most part of your daily routine.

Monday 30 September 2013

Why Should I Have Hair Transplant In Islamabad?

5512 Hair transplant is a popular cure for baldness and hair thinning issues. A number of men and women benefit from this cure each year. Although, it is easily available in all main cities of Pakistan, it is particularly popular in Islamabad. Hundreds of hair loss patients come to Islamabad to have their hair done with hair transplant. Let’s see what makes hair transplant in Islamabad so popular. 

Friday 27 September 2013

Why Should I Have A Hair Transplant?

surgical-hair-transplant Hair transplant is a popular hair loss solution in Pakistan. Every year thousands of hair loss patients come to have their hair done with hair transplant. Number of those individuals who strike the keys in search of a perfect treatment for their hair thinning 0issues is even more. No doubt, internet is full of information about hair restoration methods but this information is scattered and the worst thing is that not all of this information is true.

Monday 23 September 2013

Why do People Wear a Wig?

hair-loss-wig-bad-hair “Why do people wear a wig?” You may find this question very intriguing. In fact, the first thing that comes in our mind with the idea of a wig is nothing other than a bald head. Yes, when we see someone wearing a wig or a hairpiece immediately we think that he must have lost his hair.

Thursday 19 September 2013

NeoGraft Hair Transplant

clip_image002 NeoGraft has come up after years of continuous research and development in medical field. It takes advantage of FUE and can be used easily for male as well as females patients. It is heavily claimed that it ensures an increase in safety, precision and efficiency. It is an FDA approved device for hair transplant and is now available at hair transplant clinics.
How does NeoGraft work?
It is a machine that assists in FUE procedure which removes one hair follicular unit at a time. It is a tool to perform FUE with the intent of extracting hair follicles with minimum possible damage to them.